
Each week at Grace, people just like you offer their time and talents to help make our weekend worship experiences a success. Whether by helping kids learn about Jesus in our gKids children’s ministry, welcoming first-time guests, or pitching in behind-the-scenes with the production team, every member of our Serve Teams help make a difference!

Serve with gKids

The gKids Serve Team is made up of volunteers who serve within the children’s ministry of Grace Church. The team uses their gifts and talents to make it possible to reach hundreds of children with the life-giving message of Jesus Christ each week. While parents experience their worship service, children participate in exciting and active environments filled with worship, Bible teaching, and small groups.

Serve With gStudents

gStudents is the student ministry of Grace Church serving 6th-12th grades. Our goal at gStudents is to help students take their next step in:Knowing Jesus, Experiencing Freedom, Finding Purpose and Making an Impact. As a part of the gStudents team, you will help create an environment for students to grow their faith and learn what it means to put their trust in God.

Serve with Guest Services

Chances are the very first interaction you had at Grace was with someone from our Guest Services team. Serving in a wide range of areas, the Guest Services team focuses on making all who come to Grace feel welcome each weekend. Whether it’s being on the parking team, being a Greeter, preparing the coffee, serving in a Café, helping first time guests, or more, the Guest Services team plays a major role in each guest’s weekend experience. Come make a difference as part of the Guest Services Dream Team!

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