Series Summary

Welcome to the Summer at Grace Series, “Run With the Horses.” For the next 10 weeks, we will be adventuring through the book of Jeremiah as a church and including commentary from Eugene Peterson’s book “Run with the Horses.” God is calling us as a church and as individuals to a higher level of living, not to run the footrace of men but to run with the horses. Jeremiah answered this call not with words but with his life. The question is… will you run with the horses? Join us for this 10-week series to discover what this question means.

Small Group Guide

This section is to be used to turn the message into a small group. Gather up some people, find a space to meet, and use this as a guide.

Connect with each other, introduce yourself and share a bit about who you are. Each week you are together, go a little deeper and more personal. Everyone wants to belong somewhere.

Summarize. Take turns summarizing the message in your own words. allow everyone to participate in summarizing the message. not a personal application yet, just take turns summarizing the message and build it in its entirety. Make sure you as a small group leader are filling in any gaps, the main point, scripture, and the end of the message.

Personal. This section will allow you to go deeper and be sensitive to God’s activity in people’s lives. Ask questions and facilitate conversation as it pertains to the message of Jeremiah.

What did you get out of the message and why?

Go over the main scriptures from the message.

How will this influence your soul (mind, will, heart, emotions), your work, and your life?

Application. Take this time to ask what everyone will be doing with what they heard from the message.    

What will you do with what you heard?

What is God asking you to be or do from what you heard?

Pray. Take some time to pray with each other.