Next Steps

At Grace, we rally around one mission of filling the "city" with Jesus, recognizing we all carry an area of influence in our own personal city of family, hobbies, work, and friends. We believe it is important to find a community to help you live out your faith. Whether your next steps involve baptism, joining a small group, or serving as a volunteer, we’re here to help and encourage you.


The ConnectStep process helps you understand the mission and culture of Grace Church. After completing the class, you will have the necessary knowledge and resources to take your next steps and build lasting relationships. Join us to meet some of our leaders, learn about your unique gifts, and discover how important you are for what God is doing in your city.


Groups meet regularly to study the Bible, pray for one another, and offer opportunities to build lasting relationships. We have small groups for women, young professionals and students, as well as for married couples and those needing to address hurts, habits and hang-ups that keep us from living in freedom. Groups are safe places to share experiences, victories, and hope.


You don’t have to be an outgoing person to volunteer. Whether you’re an extrovert or an introvert, there are plenty of opportunities here at Grace. Volunteering doesn’t necessarily mean a weekly commitment — most ministries offer flexible options. Anyone can make a difference with the gifts God gave them. Learn to use your gifts and watch your life make a difference.


Baptism is an incredibly important moment in every believer’s faith journey. It is the public declaration of a person’s commitment to Jesus Christ. At Grace, we invite all new believers to be baptized.


The goal of our Care Ministry is to create a community of fellowship and encouragement. We want to celebrate and support you in whatever season of life you’re in by providing resources, counseling, classes, and studies.

Missions & Outreach

Grace Church Missions believes that the local church is the hope of the world. Our goal is to love God and others, both at home and across the world.