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Group Leader FAQ

Stay connected. You are not alone.
It is more important than ever to be in intentional community. Join a group and experience real relationships that will grow your faith!

How will people join my Group?

They can go right to the Church’s website. Joining a group is available right on the homepage or As soon as someone fills out that they are interested in a group, you will receive an email through GraceLink. The emails usually contain Please make sure you reply to the email instead of commenting! Comments are only seen by your Group’s other leaders if you have any. Please REPLY to the email. It is very important during this time to follow-up with group interest. Feel free to also invite people you may know to join your group.

I have people who aren't showing up to our meetings and don't respond to my emails. What do I do?

See this as an opportunity. God often uses moments like this where people get busy with their lives to step in and remind them that He still loves them, cares for them, and wants to help them. You are the literal hands and feet of Jesus and have the joy of stepping into someone’s life. Send them a personal text as people often ignore Group texts. Give them a call and ask how they are doing and how you can be praying for them.

How do I get access to RightNow Media?

Through Grace Church, you have access to a FREE account (and so do your members). You can find videos and resources for ALL AGES. Click HERE to get signed up. Share this link with your group so they can get access too!

What if I am not sure what curriculum or Bible study to choose from?

The Groups team would love to talk with you to determine what curriculum to choose and how to access the material for that. Contact us via email at and someone from the team will be in contact within 24 hours.

Is there training available for Group Leaders?

YES! We will have weekly Group Leader check-ins via Zoom on Tuesdays at 5:30pm and we sent out a newsletter monthly with information. We will also be launching leader specific training soon! If you are not receiving this newsletter and would like to, send an email to

How do I stay connected with other Group Leaders and the Groups department?

Join our private Facebook group! Search “Grace Church-Small Group Leaders” and request to join! We will post about upcoming events, trainings, and tips on that page. Also, subscribe to our newsletter if you haven’t already and get the weekly group support zoom link! Send an email to: with that request and we will get you added!

How do I contact someone in the groups department?

Send an email to

Become a Leader

It’s easy to think you’re not qualified to lead. But we believe God has placed people in your life that only you have the ability to encourage. Step into leadership today and challenge what you think you’re capable of. With all of our groups currently meeting online due to COVID-19, we are praying for even more opportunities for people to get connected.

Submit your information and we will contact you with more details!